Letter to the Woman Pursuing Love

Dear Woman,

This letter is for you. The one who is trying to figure out why she cannot hold onto a relationship. The one who has questioned her worth because of man. The one who is tired of being alone. The one who just wants to be in love with one good man and live happily ever after... You.

Before you ever obtain a "happy ever after," there are a few things you must go through/understand.

First, I would like you to know that before you are anything you are a Woman, all else follows (Mike Reid).

Secondly, I want you to know that you are worth the wait. This means you are worth more than rushing into a relationship with the first man you run into that meets more than 50-percent of the requirements that you have for the "man of your dreams." You are worth a man who has prayed to God for years in order to have the opportunity to call you his own for he understands you are His daughter and He is your first love.

Third, hold on to your crown. Do not let it stay tilted to the side and don't you dare remove it in order to settle for the man mentioned above. You are a Queen and there is a King walking this earth that God, himself, created just for you. Do not sell yourself short for anybody or anything.

Fourth, I want you to forgive yourself. I want you to forgive yourself for settling for less than what you deserved in the past. I want you to forgive yourself for losing sight of the caliber of a woman you are just to have a man to hold you even though he still felt far. I want you to forgive yourself for not loving yourself first (Loving Yourself is the greatest thing you can do on this quest for love). I want you to forgive yourself for all that has been holding you back from seeing your true worth. Although you are forgiving yourself, you must not regret your past nor who you once were for it has brought you to this place and you can only go up from here Queen.

Fifth (that sounds weird but it's the best point of them all), GOD himself has planned your life before you were even conceived in your mother's womb. He has a plan for your life... love life included. You must walk according to His plan for anything to go right. You must PURSUE HIM... Not man but God. For one, a man is to pursue you... not the other way around; however, in order to know how you are to be pursued, you must first understand how God first pursued you. Yes, God deemed you worthy of being pursued, imperfect and all, and please believe He still deems you worthy. Salvation and His grace prove your worth in His eyes apart from Him leaving you a personal letter of love to live by.

I won't leave you with that statement alone so here are three scriptures for reference.
~God took His time creating you in order to be intimate with you (Psalm 139: 1-18).
~Christ died so that you may live despite being a sinner (Romans 5: 5-8).
~He chose the creation of You and chose to live within You (Ephesians 1).

There are plenty of scriptures proving God's constant purist of you, but I won't drown you in the word today, that is not my intention.

My intention is to lead you on this Proverbs 31 woman journey. My intention is to have you so full and in love with Him that having a him is a mere accessory. My intention is for you to ensure that even if a him never shows up, you will be whole in Him; that you will be so in love with yourself and God that you are satisfied. Do understand that you are enough, with or without a man. I know this because He gave His life for you and deemed you worthy of loving and forgiving.

I pray you prosper in your walk. I am praying for you and love you dearly.

~ Brittany K. W.


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