Pink Matter 02/26/15

"Somebody tell her she's worthy of being the only one and NOT one of many. Somebody remind her that her heart should be handled gently. Somebody tell her she's beautiful and remind her of her qualities, because there are plenty. Somebody pour some love into her, she's feeling a little empty."-Restored Prodigal

She's feeling a little empty...
She placed her heart in the hands of the wrong man last night
She opened her legs before opening her mouth thinking in return he would open up his heart last night

All he did was open of the golden Trojan man
Cover his manhood
And cover all of him inside of her
But what about her heart

I thought Trojan men were suppose to fight for you
Go to war to protect you
Love you
.... Love you

She thought the Trojan man was going to fight for her
But he left her in the middle of the battle field alone
Open... A little more than before

She never learned the Golden Trojan Man doesn't make men stay
She never learned that there's probably another girl, you're just the replacement when she's away
She never learned to open her mouth before her legs
Or to give demands and standards before giving her heart

She had it all wrong. She wasn't being who she needed to be for her heart but rather for the possibilities of keeping him close.
Baby, pink matter doesn't matter beyond 2 a.m.
Pink matter doesn't get you dates, phone calls or love
It just introduces you to loneliness and heart break

I know you tried. I don't blame you
Some of us want love from other people, but they won't all love us back
Don't leave your heart in the Trojan Man that will get flushed down the toilet
Leave it for the one that is willing to pour love into you, invest in you... Pray for you.

Somebody pour love into the girl who believed pink matter would make him stay. leave his relationship. make her the one. The one who believed you could make homes out of unavailable human beings. 

Somebody tell her "pink matter doesn't matter."


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