Roller Coaster 04/02/13

I stared at my reflection in the mirror and I remember how you used to love the girl staring back at me. 
You believed that she was the most beautiful girl you had ever seen  
You even bragged to your friends how lucky you felt that out of all the guys she passed by she stopped to stare at you. 
She buried her stiletto heel in the grounds around you.  
She built Herself up Hoping to impress you. 
She buried her pride ready to start a process to become your future bride. 
She took off her make up and used it to make up herself inside. 
She let go of her past so you didn't have to clean up the battlefield it had made of her. 
She changed the way she walked so that her steps mirrored yours. 
She changed the way she talked so that her words sounded like music from heaven to you. 
She apologized for the time it took you waiting for her for her to even notice you. 
She lied under you and let you prove that you were the one. 
She opened the roadway to her heart ; let you take your first roller coaster ride that night hoping you wouldn't break down that night. 
Hoping you would ride this roller coaster for life; hoping you would reconstruct its imperfection over time; hoping you would be the only rider until this roller coasters days were finished. 

But you got off the roller coaster. 
You wanted to ride something different . 
You caused an accident inside her that night . 
I'd call it a hit and run because like the ones before who claimed they loved her ; you made a mess out her; you made a battlefield of her; left her bleeding with the pieces of her roller coaster hanging off track waiting for you to come back and reconstruct her. 
I stare at the girl in the mirror looking back at me; something is altering in the eyes I see; her heart is bleeding out and her blood is pouring from the whole in the roller coaster that you made. 
Rain is pouring out of the eyes staring back at me. 
Get your construction tools; fix her up; tell her you weren't prepared for the ride but one day you will be. 
Just tell the girl looking back at me that you're sorry & didn't mean to turn this roller coaster into a catastrophe


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