Seasons 04/15/14

I tried to be your spring
I tried to be your sunshine when life gave your clouds and storms you thought you couldn't bare.
I tried to be your rose growing from the concrete even when you forgot to care for me
I tried to be the leaves that followed you when people would stray away or even blow you off
I tried to be the cherry blossoms that brung vibrant colors to your life even after things fell off their branches
I tried to be the sunrise in the ocean painting your skies pastel colors when your life became as dark as night
I tried to please you but I left
Maybe I come to please and leave before I'm not pleasing anymore
Maybe I'm a season
Maybe I'm summer

I attempted to be your summer
I wanted to be the hand that you held on morning walks
I wanted to be the boat you sailed in leading you to your next destination
I wanted to be the green grass that you first noticed when you walked down the steps
I wanted to be the flowers you watered when they were close to death
I wanted to be the cloth that wiped away the perspiration that the summer heat had made of you
I wanted to be the sand that you implanted your footsteps in
I wanted to be the hurricane that wiped all your doubts away
I tried to please you but I left.
Maybe I come to please and leave before I'm not pleasing anymore
Maybe I'm a season
Maybe I'm Fall

I tried to be your fall
I wanted to be the fluorescent leaves that gave the holes in your soles something comfortable to walk in
I wanted to be the slight breeze that gave you refreshment
I wanted to be the late night board walk that birthed your thoughts
I wanted to be the tree that provided the sounds of nature to be your beats for your tight verses
I wanted to be your glory
I wanted to be your source of recuperation
I wanted to be your orange sunset when the long days were done
I wanted to be the hand on the clock moving forward an hour giving you one less hour of burdens to bare
I tried to please you but I left
Maybe I come to please and leave before I'm not pleasing anymore
Maybe I'm a season
Im believed to be your winter

I was your coldest season
The one that froze you
The one that left you barren
I was the cold nights that left you shivering
I didn't have enough warmth in me to keep you comfortable
I didn't have leaves for your soles to get lost in
I was the bitter wind that blew your soul away
I was the cold that left your heart frozen
I was the coffee that burned you
I was the black ice that without warning spun you in circles
I didn't mean to be your worst season
I didn't mean to leave you frozen
But it was all I had ever known.
Winter was my Mother Nature and I nursed you the way it nursed me
I'm sorry

I had come to please but you left before I'm was not pleasing anymore
Maybe I'm your coldest season
But I was hoping to be your spring


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