Superwoman 04/08/13

I lay in bed ; head buried in my pillow; eyes wandering wall to wall in this room so dark that everything comes to surface. 
The memories I've shut away come back to mind 
The man I once loved rips back at my heart again 
The song that we labeled our gets mumbled by my lips again & suddenly ... 

Suddenly superwoman who held it all together for everybody else falls apart. 
These eyes of mine start to shed the tears that I've been holding back for all of time 
This heart of mine is beating on a dead line 
This spine of mine is breaking at the remembrance of your touch  
This stomach of mine begins to cringe as it used to feel honesty in your touch from naval up. 

All of a sudden superwoman isn't so strong. 
Her cape has fell off & she no longer knows how to take flight from her own problems. 
I no longer know who I am. 
I don't know how it is that superwoman saved everybody else but I can't even save my self. 

I lay in the bed hoping my superman would come rescue me; captivate my heart again; tell me he loves me again; wrap me in his arms and promise that he will never leave me again. 

He can't do that. 

He fell in love with the superwoman version of me ; not the real me even though he promised no matter what he'd never fall out of love with me. 

Superwoman... make up your face; confiscate your cape; hold back the tears; abandon your fears; let go of the memories; forget the love; the touch of honesty; forget your dreams. 
Just suit up and forget about saving others. 
This time... Save yourself


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